Quick to Listen. Slow to Speak. Slow to Anger.

With politics and the Olympics, it seems that lately people are increasingly quick to speak, quick to anger, quick to post and VERY slow to process or research.

For those of us that follow Jesus, we are called to a different way of living. Too many times, we can have a posture of anger, finger wagging while adamantly preaching a position that we have not researched at any length.

So. Here’s my encouragement. James writes this….

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1.19 NIV

Remind yourself of this when:

  • When you read content on social
  • About to share content you just read
  • About to post a comment about content you just read

The people of God should be marked by humility, slow to make assumptions, curious of the facts, a deep care of the importance of our tone because we aren’t just carrying our name but the name of Jesus.


Does that reflect you and your content on social media? Now more than ever the world is watching. Let’s be careful not to get in the way of people seeing the character of God; his grace, humility, wisdom, love and yes anger. But who did he get angry at? Unbelievers who never claimed to follow Him or those who claimed to represent God but were not?

We aren’t not the world’s morality peace. We are to surrender our lives to Christ and allow Him to do the hard heart work within us. I don’t know about you but I have PLENTY to work on in my soul.

I think those outside the faith would not be so adversarial to believers if we focused more on our sin before theirs and walked with more wisdom, humility and love. You know…Jesus stuff.